The tips begin at a different place in each module. The advice moves along with the stages of the course.

The dichotic listening task is a paradigm from psychology. The task is a way to study selective attention in which different auditory stimuli are directed into different ears over headphones. The basic conclusion of this experiment is that people do not recall the attended message well, and are able to report almost nothing about the unattended message. Some students let note taking turn learning into something like a dichotic listening task. It's easy to become so busy taking notes that you don't pay attention and think deeply about the material. Make sure the activity of note taking promotes engagement rather than distracts you from it.

Suggested Assignments

MCAT Practice

Module 20 MCAT Strategies Relax. You've got this!

Conceptual Integration

Comprehensive science review.


Comprehensive psychology-sociology review.


Late stage prep for CARS.

Make everything okay
The Integrated MCAT Course is a trademark of Wisebridge Learning Systems. Unless otherwise specified, the works of the Integrated Course are published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike License. MCAT is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges, which does not endorse the Integrated MCAT Course. The Integrated MCAT Course offers our customers no guarantees regarding eventual performance on the MCAT.