Biological Basis of Personality

  1. Three-Factor Model of Personality developed by Hans Eysenck is a causal theory of personality based on activation of reticular formation and limbic system.
  2. In Eysenck's Three-Factor Model of Personality, extraversion is mediated by the activation of the reticular formation.
  3. In Eysenck's Three-Factor Model of Personality, neuroticism is associated with the limbic system.
  4. Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory is based on the idea that there are three brain systems that respond to rewarding and punishing stimuli, the Fight-Flight-Freeze System, Behavioral Inhibition System, and the Behavioral Approach System.
  5. The Cloninger Model of Personality is based on the idea that different responses stimuli are caused by an interaction of three dimensions: Novelty Seeking (correlated with low dopamine activity), Harm Avoidance (high serotonin activity) and Reward Dependence (low norepinephrine activity).

  6. Cloninger's model of personality

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