Chemistry LibreTexts - Overview of Acids and Bases

Excellent run-down of the Arrhenius, Lewis, and Brønsted definition of acids and bases.

Purdue University - Definitions of Acids and Bases and the Role of Water

Good, comprehensive tutorial on the different chemical perspectives on acids and bases.

Purdue University - The Arrhenius Definition of Acids and Bases

Coherent, well-illustrated characterization of Arrhenius acids and bases.

Purdue University - The Brønsted Definition of Acids and Bases

Excellent introduction to the brønsted-Lowery definition of acids and bases.

Purdue University - Brønsted Acids and Bases

Extended treatment of Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory. Good introduction to the concept of pH.

Purdue University - Transition-Metal Ions as Brønsted Acids

Interesting side-topic. This kind of thing would make a good curve-ball passage on the MCAT.

Purdue University - The Lewis Definitions of Acids and Bases

Clear, well-illustrated introduction.

Acids & Bases Resources

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