Gluconeogenesis pathway

Gluconeogenesis is a pathway that generates glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon precursors such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and certain amino acids.

Certain tissues, such as the brain and red blood cells, are absolutely dependent on glucose as their primary fuel. Ketone bodies aren't sufficient to provide the energy needs of these tissues. In the fasted state glycogen stores are sufficient to supply these tissue's requirement for glucose for approximately one day, so when the body is in the fasted state glucose must be formed from noncarbohydrate precursors, primarily lactate, certain amino acids, and glycerol. Gluconeogenesis is the pathway for converting noncarbohydrate precursors into glucose. The main routes of entry into gluconeogenesis are through pyruvate, oxaloacetate, or dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Most tissues do not have the ability to carry out gluconeogesis. Gluconeogenesis takes place mainly in the liver and to a lesser degree in the cortex of the kidney.

WikiPremed Resources

Integration of Metabolism Images
Image gallery for study with links to larger teaching JPEGs for classroom presentation

Question Drill for Gluconeogenesis
Conceptual Vocabulary Self-Test

Basic Terms Crossword Puzzle

Basic Puzzle Solution

Learning Goals


Be capable of naming the steps of the gluconeogenic pathway noting the enzymes not in common with glycolysis.

Understand how the primary gluconeogenic precursors enter the pathway.

Have a basic sense of the breakdown of glucogenic amino acids. You don't need to memorize complicated breakdown pathways (that's 2nd semester biochem) but you should probably know which amino acids are one transaminase step away from being a glycolytic or citric acid cycle intermediate.

Know the role of the coenzyme biotin in the pyruvate carboxylase mechanism.

Be able to describe the reciprocal regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis with special focus on the effectors influencing activity of their respective control points phosphofructokinase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase.

Be able to describe the Cori cycle as a process by which the liver takes on metabolic load from skeletal muscle during heavy exertion.

Suggested Assignments

The question server contains a general section covering basic concepts from gluconeogenesis, the pentose phosphate pathway, glyocogen metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, the urea cycle, and metabolic integration. After review complete the crossword puzzle for energy metabolism. Here is the solution to the puzzle.

Review the web resources for gluconeogenesis.

Conceptual Vocabulary for Gluconeogenesis


Each list begins with basic conceptual vocabulary you need to know for MCAT questions and proceeds to advanced terms that might appear in context in MCAT passages. The terms are links to Wikipedia articles.
Gluconeogenesis is the generation of glucose from non-sugar carbon substrates like pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids.
Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, is a fall in blood sugar to levels below normal.
Hyperglycemia is a condition in which an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma.
A glucogenic amino acid is an amino acid that can be converted into glucose through gluconeogenesis.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is an enzyme in the lyase family used in the metabolic pathway of gluconeogenesis. It converts oxaloacetate into phosphoenolpyruvate and carbon dioxide.
Fructose bisphosphatase
Fructose bisphosphatase is an enzyme that converts fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate in gluconeogenesis and the Calvin cycle.
Glucose 6-phosphatase
Glucose 6-phosphatase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes glucose 6-phosphate, resulting in the creation of a phosphate group and free glucose.
Pyruvate carboxylase
Pyruvate carboxylase is an enzyme of the ligase class that catalyzes the irreversible carboxylation of pyruvate to form oxaloacetate. Oxaloacetate can then either proceed to the citric acid cycle or to gluconeogenesis.
HMG-CoA reductase
HMG-CoA reductase is the first enzyme of the mevalonate pathway that produces terpenes, terpenoids, steroids and various other biomolecules.
The Cahill cycle, also known as the alanine cycle, is the series of reactions in which amino groups and carbons from muscle are transported to the liver.
Cori cycle
The Cori cycle refers to the cycling of lactate produced by red blood cells and muscle (during anaerobic respiration) back into glucose.
Alanine cycle
The alanine cycle is quite similar to the Cori cycle. When muscles produce lactate during times of decreased oxygen, they also produce alanine which is shuttled to the liver where it is used to make glucose.
Lactic acidosis
Lactic acidosis is a medical condition characterized by the buildup of lactate (especially L-lactate) in the body,
Glycosuria is the excretion of glucose into the urine.