The tips begin at a different place in each module. The advice moves along with the stages of the course.

As you come across the many substances in biochemistry -€” macromolecules, metabolic intermediates, enzymes and cofactors, there can be a strong temptation to learn the substance names as phonological sound images, to repeat the name to yourself and remember it by imprinting the sound of the word. This is a weak memory trace. Learn to ask yourself, what are the parts of this name? Where did the name come from? Dihydroxyacetone. What is that? Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide. Make a habit of looking closely at the name to give encoding depth of processing.

Suggested Assignments

Science Focus

Study the conceptual materials in your book-set (TBR or Kaplan) covering glycogen metabolism, gluconeogenesis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the urea cycle.

Perform the odd numbered (phase 1 ) practice items in your book-set.

Watch the videos for Module 12 - Glycogen Metabolism, Gluconeogenesis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Urea Cycle.

Read Ch. 10 - Gluconeogenesis, Ch. 11 - Glycogen Metabolism, Ch. 12 - Metabolism of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides, and Ch. 13 - Pentose Phosphate Pathway and NADPH in Biochemistry (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews). Perform the practice items at the end of each chapter.

Choose from the resources available within the Topic Pages to reinforce and supplement learning.

Conceptual Integration

Read the Interdisciplinary Notes for Module 12.

Play Catch Blue.

Biology Cycle

Comprehensive review/skim of Lippincott - Cell & Molecular Biology from start to finish. 

Make a good start on an in-depth study cycle in your book-set (TBR or Kaplan) of the sections pertaining to human physiology. Study the conceptual materials and perform the odd numbered practice items (or passages in TBR). Aim to complete this cycle before module 15. 


Study the conceptual treatment of Psychological Treatment in your MCAT book-set and complete the odd numbered problems.

Continue review of the conceptual vocabulary for Psychological Treatment using the illustrated conceptual primer on this site.

Extend practice using the Essential Concepts ANKI Deck to include the Psychological Treatment cards. 

Integrated Course practice items:

Carry out a comprehensive skim of the conceptual vocabulary of Psy-Soc from start to finish, the entire subject, using the illustrated conceptual primer


Module 12 CARS Lesson Focus and flow.

Continue working through Step 2 and Step 3 of the CARS Diagnostic Tool. Pace yourself to complete this resource before module 14.

MCAT Practice

Module 12 MCAT Strategies Introduction to science passages.

Begin working through the Section Bank at AAMC. Perform passages from each of the divisions - Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Psy-Soc. Work at a pace to complete the Section Bank before module 15. 

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