CARS Lessons
- Each of the first twelve modules has a CARS lesson.
- Let's get started
- Reader response
- CARS 101
- Pacing yourself
- Blind review
- What is an argument?
- Types of CARS passages
- Types of CARS questions
- The test writer's perspective
- The main idea
- Implied premises and warrants
- Focus and flow
- We hope with our curriculum that CARS will be among the most interesting and enjoyable parts of MCAT review. Your CARS assignments and lessons will give you a great change of pace within the context of broader MCAT review. Use your CARS assignments as a reward for the other thing you do. This is an anti-procrastination game based on Premack's principle from operant conditioning. One hour at a time, use an hour of fun stuff in MCAT review as a reward for an hour of arduous stuff. This really works!