The tips begin at a different place in each module. The advice moves along with the stages of the course.

MCAT preparation can produce role strain and role conflict. Role strain occurs when you have trouble meeting goals you expect from yourself or what others expect of you. Everyone experiences role strain in MCAT preparation. Role conflict occurs when two roles have demands that are mutually exclusive. It may be a heavy course load while preparing for the exam. It may be parental responsibility or a demanding job. It's very important to identify and navigate role conflicts successfully in MCAT review. Keep things in balance!

Suggested Assignments

Science Focus

Study the conceptual materials in your book-set (TBR or Kaplan) within 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Chemical Thermodynamics, Solutions, and Acids & Bases. 

Perform the odd numbered (phase 1 ) practice items in your book-set for these topics.

Watch the videos for Module 4 - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Chemical Thermodynamics, Solutions, and Acids & Bases.

Before moving on to the Integrated Course practice items, work on your physics fundamentals with the Concept and Question Cards.

Choose from the resources available within the Topic Pages to reinforce and supplement learning.

Conceptual Integration

Our work in previous modules has given us a comprehensive familiarity with the structure of the knowledge base. In the light of this understanding, carefully read the AAMC publication What's on the MCAT exam? 

Read the Interdisciplinary Notes for Module 4.

Play Catch Blue.

Begin working through MCAT Official Prep Online Flashcards at AAMC. Try to get through this assignment before module 6. 

Biology Cycle

Read Ch. 6 - The Eukaryotic Genome and Ch. 7 - DNA Replication in Lippincott - Cell & Molecular Biology

Continue Cell & Molecular Biology Cycle work in your MCAT bookset (TBR or Kaplan).


Review the conceptual vocabulary for Research Methods using the illustrated conceptual primer on this site.

Extend practice using the Essential Concepts ANKI Deck to include the Research Methods cards. 

Integrated Course practice items:


Module 4 CARS Lesson Pacing yourself.

Complete the last 11 passages (questions 66-120) from CARS Question Pack, Vol. 1 at AAMC Prep Hub under timed conditions (100 minutes).