Mastering MCAT Science

Science passage workshop

We are conducting a workshop series for review of AAMC Section Bank passages. The workshops will be led by John Wetzel, the designer of the Integrated MCAT Course. The aim within each workshop will be to unearth everything within the day's selected Prep Hub passages, to make the scientific ideas and test-writer intentions within the passage completely transparent. Learning to see an MCAT passage "all the way to the bottom of the well" shows you how it is constructed as puzzles not as the direct communication of scientific ideas. Your ability to project the world of an MCAT science passage as ideas in your conceptual imagination is the central figure of merit of the science portion of the exam. This perspective gives you attentional control over your experience in the passage and better performance in the questions. Office hours, open questions and advising will follow each two hour workshop for an additional hour, so the total discussion time on Zoom will be three hours for each workshop.

Support and communication

In addition to accelerating your progress in the science sections, participating in these workshops will help you stay on track in MCAT prep. Because the groups are small and the size of this program is limited, regular or semi-regular attendance provides an affordable way for a person to receive extended individualized attention and guidance to prepare in every dimension of preparedness for this challenging exam.

The skills you will learn in workshop are discussed in depth in How to Read an MCAT Science Passage.

The Integrated MCAT Course is a trademark of Wisebridge Learning Systems. Unless otherwise specified, the works of the Integrated Course are published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike License. MCAT is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges, which does not endorse the Integrated MCAT Course. The Integrated MCAT Course offers our customers no guarantees regarding eventual performance on the MCAT.